Getting there

What he had expected became reality, and she even turned her wound to him so he could clean it. He moved towards her slowly still, trying to keep the calm demeanor he had adopted. The mood was beginning to lighten but he still didn’t want to frighten her, but her face lighted up at the mention of Dalgina. She confirmed that she was indeed her sister, and called her ‘Gina affectionately. He smiled, She is very nice, I met her yesterday. He then set upon cleaning her wound.

It was an easy task, and only after a few licks the blood was replaced by the wetness of his mouth, the wound cleaned. Ovi could feel the girl’s eyes burning into him, and she asked what he was. He looked up from his task briefly, and smiled softly at the look of embarrassment on her face when she gave him her name, Keldava.

The wound was fine now, not even bleeding any more, so he stopped and sat down in front of her, My name is Ovidiu, but you can call me Ovi. And I’m a tiger, I’m not from around here. But he made sure not to let on exactly where he was from; he himself did not have very many memories of Russia anyway. Suddenly, the smell of the dear wafted past him once more, and his stomach growled audibly, much to his dismay.

Word Count → 233

It's cool :3

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