Enchanted Melodies
She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, the stretch of her stomach jutting out from her body. The last vestiges of sleep disappeared from her and finally recognisation flooded back in. Of course she knew where she was, she was in her house in Cercatori. Jace had not yet grown to think of the stately little cottage as her home yet, maybe in the months to come but not at the moment. She felt a little unsteady though, like she had drunk too much alcohol or something, and the room spun about her just a little.

Temo's voice had her looking up at him, he was worried for her, always worried and she was slow to respond,

"Oh... I was.... confused.... a bit, I woke up and didn't know where I was. It's all come back now though" Her voice was soft, curious and almost innocent, as though she had never seen blood spilled upon the ground or lives taken before their time. She didn't think she would be able to stand up on her own though, the mighty warrior brought so low by the children that grew inside of her, she held out her hand,

"Will you help me up, I don't think I can..."

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