anigisdi asique
Awesomeness! <3 Unatsi is a moron and his guide is visible tooo obviously. Big Grin

Unatsi is by Miyu!

It did not take very long for someone to appear, but it was long enough for thousands of worst-case scenarios to rush through his mind. What if a member of the Tribe he'd failed to save showed up and wanted to exact revenge then and there? What if this wasn't AniWaya at all, and he was committing a grievous error by standing here? Or maybe it used to be AniWaya, but the strangers he smelled had taken over and would kill him on sight for being one of them?

Large ears fell back against his unkempt mane, and Unatsi shifted his weight from one leg to the other. Only the continued impressions from the spirit kept him from just dropping his things and bolting. The muscles near his eye spasmed, and soon Udanvti's ears swiveled forward; he followed her attention the best he could once the twitch went away.

A rather pretty-colored secui headed toward them. She quite obviously had dog blood; no other canine would be patterned with such splashes of red and white (which made his own unusual white arm twinge, though he ignored it pointedly). Her facial features told of other blood too, but he ceased paying attention to her bone structure and instead swallowed under her silver stare.

The greeting jarred him, and it was the final reminder that this was not the Great Tribe, no matter how much of its culture it shared. He faltered and glanced over at the doe, who stood placidly and gave the bison-like creature a nod of acknowledgment, one spirit guide to the other.

M-morning, Unatsikanogeni replied, stammering slightly; he was very fluent in English as well as Cherokee, but it still seemed odd to greet his first AniWayan this way. I -- yes, I called -- well, you knew that, obviously. I came from the uh, the Great Tribe -- the big one this little one came off of -- and I -- thought a change of scenery would, uh, would be nice. He nodded a bit too enthusiastically. Yeah, that's it. But I wanted to keep the uh, the old customs, the whole essence of the Tribe, so here I am!

Udanvti flicked her ears at his bright conclusion then looked to the collie cross. You are not Ulilohi, she pointed out, her dark eyes gentle. We have heard that she leads here now. It was a simple, mild statement -- but one obviously curious.

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