Nodding her head Amy thought about the pack. She considered what she knew of it briefly before speaking. The members I've interacted with are always very careful to avoid acting above their station. Is their leader so powerful as to draw this from them? She is very interesting in her actions. I've also met those I would consider as slaves who have asked for trade. Are they simply low ranking, or do you allow that to happen? Are your punishments as...tasteful as I believe they are? Amy licked her lips at the last time, eyes gleaming with blood lust.

His voice was still as flat as before as he offered his name. Itachi Lykoi. She'd remember that. His specification of his last name told her to watch for other members of his family, and remember him as that happened. That was why she gave her last name. So the canines would remember, and treat her family with the respect they deserved if they chose to cross the ocean to come here. My name is Amy Sunders. A pleasure to talk with someone so interesting. She watched for any emotional hints, curious why he had become so good at hiding what he felt.

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