[M] Fifty Shades of Black
OOC: [WC: 607 || Pts: 6

With his arms wrapped around Axelle tightly, holding her form against his, he started to calm a little, smiling broadly as he felt her lick at his chin somewhat and glanced down when she agreed to be his. His whole form swelled with pride and his embrace became just that little bit tighter, more protective, more possessive. It was something she would have to get used to if she was going to be his - Kai looked after what was his and he wasn't good at sharing. He never had been. When she said he never had to let her go again, his grin broadened another inch. He didn't plan to. And then of course, her joke. Kai chuckled, causing her body to bob a little as she lay on him, inhaling her scent deeply. Yes, he would keep this one.

Keeping her there in his embrace while both of their bodies calmed, their breathing slowing from the combined efforts, Kai continued to let his fingertils trail over her smooth pelt, running up and down her back, brushing down her sides slowly, as if tracing her whole form, mapping it out in his mind. But there would be plenty of opportunity to explore her in more detail. Eventually, his knot deflated enough within her to allow him to begin easing out of her heated core. His hands gripped her hips softly and lifted her a little to allow his length to begin withdrawing as he drew his own hips back, revealing him to the cool air, causing him to hitch in a breath. His member had been so cozy, wrapped in her warmth that now, as he emerged, he wanted to be back inside of her. Once he was free, he let out a snort and lowered her form back down onto him, needing her body back in his arms once more.

But before giving her a chance to get too comfortable on him, he shifted, rolling himself to the side, letting her topple onto the soft mattrass, his powerful arms quickly snaking around her midsection in order to turn her onto her side, pulling her back against him. They both lay on their right hand sides, Axelle's back pulled tightly against Kai's front, the male sliding his right arm up beneath their heads to act as a pillow while his left arm remained draped over her waist, his hand stroking softly over her belly and abdomen, keeping her close, letting his muzzle snuffle in against her hair, brushing her left ear every now and again. "Well, I never want to let you go, Beautiful." He used her name for him with almost a purr to his voice as he whispers in her ear. "In fact... With that, he lifted himself up a little and leaning over her, he grabbed his jean shorts by the mattrass with the arm wrapped around her body. Bringing the shorts over to him, he let the material lie over her body as he used his non-occupied hand to check the pockets, and finding what he was looking for, tossed the jeans back where they had been on the floor.

With her gift now in his hand, he settled back down against her, his body as physically close to hers as possible and reaching around, he lifted his hand before her and holding onto the chain, he let the heart-shaped pendant drop, watching the black and white heart sway a little before her gaze. "I want you to have this." His voice had dropped a little lower, brushing his muzzle against her neck delicately. He was falling for her, he knew it for sure now.

Table and Siggy by Sammiie; Photo by Diana Pinto@flickr

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