(M) Reminds me of the second time ...

WC:: 460 -Nier is a doofus... A romantic doofus, but a doofus nonetheless

Her genuine concern over Ciarans state only made the young Stormbringer like her more; most other canines forgot the dark tabby that was Niernans shadow, but she was genuinely concerned and that pleased him. But then she was kissing him back and even he forgot about his cat.

The feeling of her lips against his, the way she drew herself closer to his body and his embrace, her fingers in his dark hair, all contributed to the feeling of elation with in him. She hadn't pushed him away and that was all he could think about; she accepted him. He now only hoped that this wasn't going to be a one time thing as he was clearly besotted with the girl. He moved his lips against hers, taking the kiss a little further before he had to break for a breath.

When he pulled away slightly he realised that he had closed his eyes, he opened them upon hearing his name fall tantalisingly from Grace's mouth. She seemed content to let the name roll off of her tongue, and he was content to let her. He revelled in the way she spoke his moniker, the differences in accent and timbre fascinating to him.

His cyan eyes met her ocean blue and he read the question in them, he felt his gaze automatically soften, "Grace." He breathed, his voice low and raspy with the passion and tension of the moment. He didn't know what to say, it was clear that she wanted a definition, to know what they were to each other, but how could he define it? They had only met a pawful of times and he couldn't keep his mind off her, she plagued his dreams and he had only just found that she was a full fledged member of his pack. He had never been in this situation before and he didn't want to screw it up.

"Grace." He said again, a little clearer this time. "I never stop thinking about you. You make me happy." He paused again before adding, "And you like my cat. Which is a bonus, I guess." He smiled then, a quirking of his lips that were still so close to hers, it would be so easy to just lean down a little and recapture them, but he still had words, he forced them out, "What I'm trying to say is, this is no one time thing for me. I think we could work well together." He left it at that. Hoping he hadn't put her off and enjoying the feel of her furred body in his arms, terrified of her pulling away but knowing that they would have to separate eventually. Afterall, he had promised her a bookshelf and the D'Angelo was serious about her books.

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