[aw] ye may eat the flesh of kings


Ithiel is by me!

The dusky-furred hybrid was not long in waiting, though by the time the noise of hoofbeats came to his dark ears, the dust-furred hybrid had shifted the heavy pack from his shoulders, setting it down on the ground. He flicked an ear, listening to the approaching canine and their noise. Horses had their advantages, but they were also terribly noisy, and unlike Luperci, they did not know when it was best to remain silent. Were he traveling on a more surreptitious meeting, the dusky-furred hybrid would have gone on foot.

He awaited the stick-thin woman, tall and rather like a pole, and her big horse. Crimson eyes appraised the both of them, wondering; one could never determine rank from appearance, but the fox-red woman who greeted him seemed more a child than a fully-ranked adult. Perhaps it was simply her smallness -- she looked rather like a waif to the dark-furred hybrid. One ear went half-mast, but he said nothing as she approached. She, too, kept quiet; this was preferable to mindless chatter, at least.

The dark-furred coywolf stepped forward, careful to keep his toes from wolf territory. I come from Inferni, he said, deep voice loud to cover their distance. Our new leader sends gifts for Anathema, he said, indicating the bag leaned against his legs.

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