Character Name: Jack Basket
Character Birthdate: June 17th, 2009
Gender: Male
Species: Canis Lupus
Is your character a Luperci?: Yessss
Other 'Souls Characters: Nope
How you found 'Souls?: I just kind of knew it lawl
Are you joining a pack?: I like IC joining, so loner
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: I hope for Vinátta IC-ly
Character profile or three writing examples: cry my personality is about 130 words too short. rp samplez:

Eismitte patrolled the borders at a lower altitude, though at times his path was crossed with the burly Kilgharrah. Though the dark male initially made him uncomfortable and raised a dangerous alert within his gut, after the breeding challenge yielded its victor Eismitte learned to accept him. And a while after that, the acceptance was not so forced--genuine respect came into their relationship.

And so their infrequent crossings elicited a curt but polite nod from the Sangliak, and sometimes when the mood struck him he would greet his superior with an affectionate chin nip or nudge his Salasuitok's muzzle with his own black nose. But, their most recent crossing-paths would see a different Eismitte. Instinct would rear its ugly head from within both dark Guardians, at the expense of two ignorant interlopers.

He found the trio by chance, wandering partway up the mountain, following the scent of some small mammal on a whim. Instead of a rabbit he found a halfblood, whose features were more akin to a retarded puppy than the coyotes he had encountered by The Haunt. The other was a wolf as pure as himself, though small in stature much like her disproportionate friend.

Kilgharrah was already upon them and without wont of question Eismitte followed suit. A stark contrast to his placid personality, the swarthy bear was vicious and relentless by command of his instincts. But, on the other hand, a reflection of his stony nature was this: Eismitte was cold and silent in his advance, with no more warning than raised hackles and not a single instant's growl. He attacked the same wolf as his superior, barreling towards her with all the unyielding force of an avalanche, opposite Kilgharrah. At the last minute his jaws parted, baring feral fangs, and Eismitte brandished each and every one with the chilling professionalism of an assassin. They would sandwich her.


-Eismitte, WWS

Tiny Paw's world changed in quite literally the blink of an eye only days ago. His surroundings exploded into vivid color, the likes of which he could hardly even begin to fathom. Just before that his ears picked up the first whispers of sound, and his hearing only grew stronger with each passing day--as did the definition of his sight. At this point he could see with all the clarity of a digital television.

Unsure of what to make of all this new information, the boy would park himself in one corner of the den and stare quietly at all his family members. Mother and Father were now separate entities in ways he never thought he could distinguish, as were all three of his ever-present sisters. He did not know their names, but he knew their scent and face and voice. After days of silent observation, he knew all the intimate details of every strand of fur on their bodies.

And he was content, sitting in his dark and dusty pocket, to simply watch. So much so that he often forgot to eat until he was very hungry. But he was not hungry now, early in the morning (which he could now differentiate from other times of day), when all he could think about was watching everyone else sleep.


-Tiny Paw, WWS

She spoke and he was drawn to her, though he did not move or look or show it. If she had been staring close enough she might have noticed the slight widening of his mischievous smile or seen the sharp glint in his eyes that signaled the processing of thoughts. He decided in that moment that he wanted her to speak again, just so that he might hear something entertaining. Slackjaw loved to be entertained.

"And there I'll stay," he responded smoothly, his eyes searching the heavens for something that he probably would not find there. Perhaps he realized this, because he looked at the interesting and vain little thing that stood beside him before he spoke again in velvet tones, his smile and gaze unwavering in their easy confidence. "If it keeps you in my company."


-Slackjaw, WWS

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