Enchanted Melodies

i hope this is ok

Word Count :: +219

Even though Temo was relieved to see Jace was ok, there was still a little bit of worry in him as she seemed to not get her footing and he was glad he had made sure to get a good hold on her. His ears swiveled around and stopped in their forward position in the direction of the music for a few moments as he processed her question. He had forgotten about having been playing with the record player and had left it playing with his haste in coming to Jace's aid when she had called. Only now, when she asked what he was doing, did he remember that he had left it running with a record still on it.

As he listened to the music drifting into the bedroom from the other room, he noticed that it sounded a little slower than normal indicating that the player was almost unwound and would need to be wound back up to continue playing properly. He looked over at Jace, Nothing much, I was just going through some of the new records that we had found and giving them a listen too. He thought back to some of the other records that he had put on for a moment, Some sounded down right odd, the humans listened to some wierd stuff.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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