i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky
I'm lame. End soon, maybe? D:
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

So much for that theory, he thought. There were a hundred other reasons why a fire could have started though. Lightning, camping gone wrong, who really knew. Possibly, he probably should have cared so much seeing how it was water under the bridge for everyone that had come over the mountain. “I fish, but I guess that's more out of necessity than for fun. Drink sometimes, play the banjo. I guess I'm not much more interesting than you either,” he admitted with a laugh. Even if they didn't have that much that they did outside of the things that they needed to do, he still thought Laruku was pretty interesting in his own right. Looked interesting, anyway. “Well, I reckon I should probably get going. Let you get back to your reading and all.”


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