(M) Reminds me of the second time ...

WC::551 - :3

He emerged from Grace's hillock house into the bright sunlight and had to shield his eyes slightly against the glare cast off from the sun, but that didn't wipe the smile off his face or stop the wag of his tail. He made the short trip to his house in record time, bursting through the front door and startling the newly clean Ciaran. The cat looked up from his paws, grey-green eyes wide, fluffy ears swivelled to face the exuberant wolf. "You seem excited." The cat drawled. Niernan nodded as he walked towards his beat up cabinet. The wooden structure had seen better days but Nier had decided that it would survive his salvaging operation and it would hold all of his possessions until he made better resting places for them. He grinned over his shoulder at the cat, "Grace is here. She's part of the pack." He blurted out. Ciaran looked genuinely surprised, "When did that happen?" He mewled, now understanding Niernans excitement. The dark wolf looked up, "Apparently three weeks ago, but we've been gone a while so it's understandable for us to not know she was here... Somewhat." Ciaran flicked his whiskers at Niernans tone of voice, aware that the wolf was most likely visualising hitting his brother.

Nier dove straight into the cabinet and rummaged frantically through the contents, his hand-paw quickly finding the hammer and the cloth bag that contained his nails. He had tied the top of the bag around his wooden mallets handle, to keep the nails in and to keep the elusive metal pins with the hammer. He straightened from the cabinet, slowly closing the door with his foot-paw. He nodded to the cat, "If you'll excuse me, I've gotta build a bookshelf." He exited his house with Ciarans laughter ringing in his ears.

He felt rude just walking into her house, even after what had just passed between them, so as he passed the threshold he tapped his hammer on the worn wood of the door, alerting her to his presence. He felt a smile pull at his lips as he spotted two dark pheasant heads peering around a doorway, he gave the birds a wink before he disappeared into the library. He found that Grace had made two piles of wood; potentially damaged and not damaged. He smiled at the D'Angelo, "See, you're not just a pretty face Darling." He drawled. He knelt beside the wood and started sorting through the pile that was potentially damaged, some of it was salvageable, but some was clearly doomed.

His long fingered hands started to sort through the wood he now knew was usable, finding the two longest pieces and setting them aside, he chatted to the Golden woman while he worked, her presence was comforting, "Ciaran laughed at me." He stated, "I think he thinks I'm a sap." He placed the two long planks against the wall, ensuring that the ends were flat and that they rested against the floor comfortably. Satisfied, he turned back to the pile, his calloused paw pads finding pieces of wood that would act as suitable shelves. He paused then, twisting a little to look at Grace, "Just how many books do you have? Meaning, how many shelves do you need?" He asked, realising he should have probably clarified that before.

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