[M] Lustful Love


Her waist was grabbed as she stepped up to tease him, holding him close. Her dark eyes couldn't be seen, only the slight glistening of her fur marking that she was truly there. He was strong, something she desired from him. Amy wouldn't accept the weak. Only those who proved themselves worthy were allowed to grasp her. Memories of Hurricane rushed into her mind, but Amy pushed those out. They didn't belong here in this moment.

His body was pressed against hers for a moment, easing her and teasing her with it's presence, but Amy was enjoying this game. Slipping off she danced further through the dark. His scent carried in the air before he hit her, catching her against a tree. It was rough, drawing a growl from the dog as she fought his grasp, her form rubbing against his own. She loved it, fighting against him and knowing that at any instant one of them could lose control and turn this into a true battle.

Teeth threatened to bite down before he pulled away, fading into the night. Leaning against the tree Amy breathed in his scent. He was traveling quickly. Designing a challenge for her? Smiling she followed after, hips swaying as she began to dance to her own music, looking for her partner to join her.

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