Fistful of Love

Your next post could be the closing one if you’d like.

Word Count → 332

Confusion swept over the woman’s face as Jiva first accepted what she had said but then stopped himself from doing what his hands wanted to do, reach out and touch her. She knew he was holding back, but she didn’t know all the reasons behind his hesitation. It made her question herself and her own actions. Was she being too forward? Had her confession completely turned him off? That couldn’t be, he was receptive to what she had said and better yet, he hadn’t told her to go away or had even gotten up himself and left her. It was clear he liked more than just a pack sister and friend, but why the shyness? Did she have this effect on him? The woman desperately wanted that hand to continue its motion and touch her wherever he had wanted to, but as it fell, so did her hopeful grin. This obviously wasn’t what she thought it was.

Jiva began offering to leave her side to find something, their alphabet lesson was obviously over. Here’s his chance to escape, she thought to herself, though she knew that really wasn’t the case. The hybrid wasn’t the type of man to say he’d do something and then leave a woman waiting, this she had gathered from their conversations and a part of her was still very hopeful for his feelings for her. Perhaps a little change in pace was a good idea. She had most likely taken him by surprise and a little reset wouldn’t hurt. Her lips curled up in a smile, pleasant and not as beaming as before, but still radiating her feelings towards him despite her bruised face. Swallowing is still difficult, she admitted, but, I’d love to dip my feet in the creek and perhaps watch you attempt to catch some fish, she said giggling softly. Trout seemed to be the easiest type of meat to slip past her strangled neck.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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