Breaking and Mending
Mihael is in Optime form, it’s just barely daylight out. Also I honestly don’t know if treating animals that aren’t high animals even counts, so if it doesn’t, let me know and I can change it!

Mihael had met two of his new pack one of which he’d even given aid to. It filled him with joy to be able to help, that was all he wanted. There was so much about AniWaya to learn he’d noticed. He had not only their language to learn, but their ranks and their beliefs. He had his personal beliefs which were similar to his pack’s own. Yet he still wished to know more about them, he knew that if he were to go up in the ranks and become an Ookah or even an Nvwoti he would need to have some knowledge of the AniWayan rituals and spiritual lessons.

But that was enough thinking of things that were more than mortal. Mihael stopped his walking for a moment and looked around. He suddenly realized in a bout of horror that he did not know where he was. He looked up at the sky and saw that the sun had risen and was beginning to illuminate his surroundings. He almost panicked, but calmed himself down just enough to concentrate on getting back. He could not believe that it had been so long since he had started walking. He felt like a complete fool, he should have realized. He should have taken someone who knew the lands much better than he with him. Truly though, this was nothing he had not faced before. He had gotten lost plenty of times when he first began his travels. There was a difference though, now he belonged somewhere. Now he had responsibilities to someone other than himself.

He sat down and tried to remember how he could get back. He was almost completely sure he had moved in a simple straight line, and he knew which direction he had come from but for all he knew he turned multiple times as he was lost in his thoughts. He sighed and stretched his limbs; his muscles were beginning to feel sore from all of the walking.

Mihael was extremely startled when he heard the sound of an animal walking by and looked around in an attempt to find it. He quickly realized one day he was going to have to pay more attention to his surroundings, lest he should never see his surroundings again. When scanning the area with his eyes alone didn’t work, he stood up and snuck around. He looked behind the few trees and bushes in the area and even a large boulder before finally finding the animal attempting to drink from a small pond. He found himself looking at a deer. When the buck noticed Mihael watching him it bolted. It did not get very far however, as its right back leg was limp and the deer refused to step on it. Mihael walked slowly towards the deer that tried to run away again but only managed to collapse. It was clearly exhausted. Mihael smiled, not at the deer collapsing, but because he knew he could do something for him. He’d treated broken legs before though last time he had supplies with him sufficient for aiding this broken bone. The wolf man began searching around for items he could use to make a splint. The hardest part would be keeping the deer down long enough to help him out, he'd have to figure out how to do that.

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