What Lies Beneath
(443) I love it too. They just butt heads so amusingly. xD And Robert is a loser at comebacks like me.

He stared right back at her, refusing to back down from what he said. He felt like his words were true enough, that they're were definitely possible. It had happened before, not to him per say, but it affected him enough that it may as well have been him. Expecting for her to agree, he was surprised when she had started laughing, now his turn to blink at her unbelievably. At first, he thought she found his point funny, or thought he was weak and thought it amusing, and the idea of him being laughed at riled him up.

But, before he could get too cross and say something rash, she began to describe more dangerous events in her life without the slightest hints to show that she was bluffing. Being inside of a burning building in the middle of a raging snowstorm was starting to sound better than the things Eclipse had started to list off. He was appalled that all those things happened to her, yet she still went about doing things that could end her. Robert began to think if he was as unlucky as her, he would not leave his house even for the most important of reasons.

Yet, he listened to her point that she was making, finding that she was actually, most likely right, though he did not want to admit defeat. When she questioned him about his hunting, he became a little offended. "My parents taught me to hunt, thank you." Not to mention he was not that good at it. "Besides, I'm sure someone made a pamphlet for it. If not, I could make one to aid someone that would be interested." But, thinking about it further, it seemed impossible, but Eclipse did not have to know that he knew that.

Again, he became a bit annoyed that she was being evasive, but he unscrewed his face and smoothed it over with a sigh. He was not good with people, and he did not like it when others hid things from him. It was like a book had suddenly shut itself from him because it did not want him to read something about it. "You're lying," he stated simply, though it was not accusingly and instead soft, or at least what he attempted to be kind.

"You can tell me, you know, what's wrong." What had she not told him already? She shared what seemed to be a personal secret with him earlier, so what was something that made her sad? "Is it the house?" he asked, hoping to pin whatever was bothering her. "I swear its not too bad once you get used it."


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