Practice Makes Perfect

Hey there! PGP + 3


For all the things Jaden had heard since leaving his training as an archer, criticism wasn’t one of them. Few canines had the ability or understanding it took to use a bow. It was very possible that in all his time alone and without anyone to catch him on bad habits he had grown to let his elbow fall into bad form. Rain came upon the obsidian man about halfway through his quiver so he still had plenty of arrows left. I am Jaden Ohanzee, he introduced himself while drawing an arrow and stepping into form. He then mimicked the motions he had been taught and took the other male’s advice. The arrow sang through the air with little difference as far as he could tell, but then again, he hadn’t been watching his last projectile for wobble. It hit right on target though and that might have been proof to support Rain’s claims. He turned his blue eyes on his new fellow pack member and completed his introduction, Your Alpha.

Luckily for Rain, Jaden wasn’t the type to snap at criticism even if the instinctual desire was there simply to state his superiority. The tone of his word conveyed this a little but he smiled at the man to ensure him that there were no sore feelings between them. He hadn’t known anyway. It’s nice to meet you Rain, Jaden stepped away from the man and took a good look at the two arrows he had fired that now protruded from a tree near his own target. A neat trick, he admitted. It was impossible that letting two arrows go from the same string affected a strain on accuracy, but at close range it could be twice the killing power. Would you mind showing me once more? He would then step over to where his new acquaintance stood in hopes that his request might be acknowledged.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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