anigisdi asique

Unatsi is by Miyu!

The collie paid mind to his claim, but she didn't push it as much as he feared. Relief lent some slack to his shoulders and made him look far less neurotic; he might look almost normal now. He didn't think he'd be able to explain what he'd done wrong, mostly because -- on some level -- he still wasn't sure that he had done something wrong. Udanvti had explained it to him, but the selfish personality within Unatsi remained adamant that he wasn't entirely at fault. He'd disappointed the Tribe, but he'd only been acting like any sane wolf might.

But now was not at all the time to think about that. His green eyes grew round, and he grinned suddenly as the other said her mate was a farmer. Utsisdalugisgi! he exclaimed, glad that he wouldn't be forced to learn about this new trade on his own. He was good at memorizing facts and categories, but without someone to tell him about the job, he would be more than useless -- and he didn't want to be useless, not entirely, and not this time.

Yeah, it's hard to wrap your head around the language differences if you weren't, y'know, born and raised in the Tribe. The red wolf scratched behind an ear with an awkward grin. I mean, even the concept of a ghost adviser is enough to freak out nagoligvna; strangers. Here he flashed his guide a playful look, which she took in with good nature. Her ears flicked, and she allowed herself to fade from sight and sound, her scent disappearing as well. It might have panicked Unatsi at another point, but it seemed like she thought everything was under control.

I'm Unatsikanogeni, by the way, the man said, thrusting his white arm out for a handshake before remembering the other was in her secui form. He drew his arm back and scratched at his chin. Unatsi for short; bit of a overly-long name, really.

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