anigisdi asique

Unatsi is by Miyu!

He had to smile -- even if it was still a nervous thing, too quick to jump to his lips and too quick to dart away again -- when she called the Cherokee language beautiful. What was your first language? the red wolf asked, curious; she'd mentioned learning English, which she seemed to speak fluently enough. He'd found the tongue easy enough himself, at least in that the words weren't nearly as lengthy as the several-syllable words in his birth tongue.

It was strange to think that this woman's mate couldn't -- or wouldn't -- see spirit guides, especially as he lived in AniWaya. It troubled him, and he wondered if there were many like that here. Unatsi believed very strongly in the wisdom of the spirits, even though he was reluctant to obey everything Udanvti told him. Maybe he'll get a guide of his own someday, he offered half-heartedly to the woman, who soon named herself Io. He had to grin at that; it was so much shorter than his own as to be funny.

Io seemed less confident about whether she could accept him, stating that Ulilohi would have the final word in the matter. The exhaustion that the man had held at bay during their conversation came flooding back, and his knees almost buckled. I can -- I can stay here, can't I? In the meantime? he asked nervously. The thought of not having at least a temporary, safe bed to collapse into was too much for him to handle.

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