Call me Baby..when you're old enough..
OOC: Probably end this soon, and maybe have a more current thread with them Smile Sorry took so long, works been swamping since the my promotion x.x


He saw his words fell on deaf ears. That was fine, she'd learn the hard way, as he did. Her eyes locked onto him, and he stood ready and cool. He licked his lips slowly, as his piercing blue eyes watched her form, studying it. Suddenly, she moved forward and he watched her unsteady movement. She went for his chest her arm extending, and with a light dodge his dominant arm (right) came out and grabbed at her wrist and using her momentum twirled her, using her arm to wrap around her. His left grabbing her other wrist and wrapping it forcefully around her, her back to him, pulling her tightly to his body with her arms wrapped around her.

His head moved defensively back while he legs were positioned for defense and offense. "Now, Adelle...I think it's time to call it, eh?" He chuckled some, a large grin on his muzzle. His body could feel the warmth she seemed to radiant, and for a moment his mind wondered to how she'd look fully grown. Possibly a very attractive woman. The thought was fleeting, and he refocused back on the duel...a duel Adelle wasn't striding very well at, but then again she was easily a year behind him in experience.

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