United Together We Stand

Aro, you little flirt...hehe

Word Count → 000

Eclipse seemed unsure, and before he knew it the woman tripped and Aro caught her swiftly before she would fall, his chest taking the brunt of the fall. He searched to gaze into her attractive eyes, however, the beauty was too frazzled to take a moment. His arms gently touched her shoulders trying to get her to calm and look up into his eyes. "Hey.." his voice unnaturally soft for his baritone voice, "..it's okay...really...don't give up just yet..." his tone almost a plea. "...I don't want to dance with anyone else..." He said a little saddened. "..here, let me show you what the counting was about.." He let his grip go and offered for her to get back into position. The music still in the beginning of it's start, about to get into full swing.

His eyes attempting to meet hers in a playful and persuasive gleam, his lips upturned in a soft charming smile, "...I will patiently wait for you all day.." He teased.

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