Tell me of the mistress of demons
He all but ignored the people that were busy having fun all around him, they couldn't help him or make him better, fix his condition or even interest him, he was dead inside. Inside a small flame burnt but that flame was for one and one only and she was happily dancing with somebody else within the crowd. If he could have felt he knew he would be angry and sad and upset but he couldn't so all he had was his half life, his cursed life surrounded by strangers who sometimes he thought he could begin to hate if he tried hard enough.

A shadow passed over him and he thought nothing of it, there were always people moving past him. It wasn't until the shadow stayed still for several secodns and then a voice that sounded just as small and alone as he felt sounded out, almost inaudible over the crowds noise, another youngish male with brown coloring greeted his dull eyes,


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