Making up

Meow:: open link after reading WC:: 318

She couldn’t wait to show him what she had gotten and whimpered anxiously before his eyes shut. She hadn’t attempted opening the harness bag lupine form, but was told it was doable but before putting her snout to the leather thing, she decided she’d explain a few things and keep him waiting. So after our...disagreement, she paused to laugh a little, I guess I was still a little fired up and decided to go off on my own adventure. I’d spoken to Fayne about getting training from the knights of Casa di Cavalieri and we arranged for Tharin to come along with us as a type of escort, she explained, now fiddling with the pouch using her paws and nose. I would’ve waited for you of course, but under the circumstances...well I hope it’s okay I went. She said, wanting to put their fight behind them and start off fresh.

Anyway, in Casa we received training in hand to hand combat as well as our secui and lupine forms, she said with a little smile that he obviously couldn’t see as she managed to unsnag the toggle holding the pouch shut open. All of it was so invigorating and empowering, I really feel like I could take on the world right now, she giggled realizing the newfound energy hadn’t worn off just yet. I can’t wait to go back there, but I’d rather do my traveling by your side from this day more silly arguments,! She squealed a little bit pulling the pouch up with her teeth and unveiling the beautiful deer antler knives she had gotten for him. The three knives tumbled out into the grass and glinted in the sun. I thought they’d be perfect for skinning! She said with a happy bark.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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