Making up
Word Count :: 424 OOC:

“I love them. Thank you so much.”

He said, he knew his words wouldn’t be understanding at first to Palaydrian, but he already had an explanation to that. He smiled as she shifted to his own form, and happy to have her in his arms as she tried reassuring him.

“She’s my cousin. I played tricks and teased her when she was younger... this was a harsh punishment, but she told me that she didn’t approve and … well you’ll see. But yes I did have to get something, at least I thought I did but, I would have thought of giving it to you anyway.”

He said smiling at her, knowing she would love the surprise. SHe had told him she wanted a bird and a juvenile wouldn’t be so much work as a chick. He took her hand, kissing it as any gentleman would as he began walking.

“Well our trip was rather uneventful but when I got to Cour des miracles, it seems that my father was attacked on his way home. He had been beaten pretty bad, wasn’t even able to walk and from the looks of it, it’ll be many months before he really can... I’ve been worried about him, but he wouldn’t tell me who did it. Wouldn’t even give me a guess.”

This news was bad and his other was as well, but bad news before good tended to dull a little. Niro was getting the best care at Cour des Miracles, and he had wanted to stay there, but he had his own things he needed doing and he knew that he was being cared for.

“Then... when i was in Casa, well close to it, I left for a little while.. a woman who seemed to need help stopped me. She uh.... she tried to get me to lay with her.”

He would not beat around the bush on this one. He knew that he had nothing to fear but she needed to know what happened, or else it might come back and bite him in the butt.

“I swear on my honor I did nothing with her though, but I thought it best for you to know... I mean no secrets, not anymore.”

He squeezed her hand as they moved towards her garden. They weren’t too far but far enough for the news to sink in and for her to contemplate it a little.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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