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Word Count :: 319 OOC: From what you wrote Vigi is lupus but Jiva can still try to hug him even if he is, if not well wheeee XDDD if you want any of it changed though just let me know Smile

There was much on the young man’s mind that he didn’t see the shadow of his grandfather join him until the man spoke. Jiva jumped, and as soon as he saw Vigilante he jumped up smiling, hiding the forlorn look he had on his face. He ran at his grandfather to give him a big hug. He had not seen the man since... well it had been a very long time and Jiva was young he knew.

“Grandpa! Oh it’s good to see you! I have missed you. I am sorry I have not visited sooner. Pack life... is different and I’m still establishing myself. How have you been? You look well.”

He said looking his grandfather up and down. Next to Niro he was a fit man, though a bit older than his father, but that was to be expected. Jiva once visited him and Ayita often enough though at the time they were busy with their own pups. He was sad when he oculdn’t spend so much time with them, but always enjoyed it. So this was like then, except Jiva was much older. He was in a bit more turmoil now than he was when he was a pup, who had no care other than the little tiny things. Now weights grew heavy on him and much of that weight he was not allowed to tell anyone.

“Yes I wish I came in better circumstances, though I thought I was until Orin gave me the news.”

He said, surely Vigilante heard about what happened to Niro, though he wondered if Niro was just as evasive with his father in law as he was with his son. Jiva would find out soon enough though. He wanted to know who did this and why and he did want to go after the wolf or coyote or whatever it was.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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