[M] Lustful Love


A hard boast to prove. Amy smiled, waiting to see if it was true. Her own hands wandered over his body, enjoying the muscular feel. Leaning in she tugged at his ear softly, teasing the point that she knew was there, a nerve to the pleasure center. Why that was Amy wasn't sure, but it was there. Her teeth rasped on it softly, feeling the movement of his body above her. Tightening her grip Amy held on as she was switched to above him again. Smiling brightly she adjusted her seat so that she was positioned above him, just waiting.

Her neck arched at the gentle attention. Amy wasn't one for gentle anything. The movement was pleasurable, but she liked it rough. Why, Amy couldn't say for sure. Perhaps because those gentle movements were normally attached to softer emotions than the ones that she held inside herself. Amy didn't feel love in the attention, only lust. Yes... Her eyes were half lidded, one hand trailing over his thighs.

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