Enchanted Melodies

OOC text here

Word Count :: +204

The tune that was currently coming out of the horn on the record player was nice and soothing. It even calmed down a little the worry that he had for Jace. He wondered about the pregnancy and how it was affecting Jace. She did not seem to have as much issue with the previous litter, unlike now with the new litter that she was now carrying. At least that is what it seemed like to him, and it concerned him that there might be something wrong and it was these thoughts that he started being around and within easy calling distance more and more as the days progressed closer to the birthing time.

It was those thoughts and worries that had him look at Jace with a slight frown of worry on his muzzle when she started swaying to and fro slightly with her eyes closed. At first he thought that there was something that might be wrong until he realized that her swaying was in time to the music. A wave of relief went through him and the music started to flow through him and he let himself sway with Jace as he continued to help hold her on her feet.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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