in the absence of technology

My apologies for the late reply, Kiri! Was out shopping for furniture all weekend. XD

His stony facade surprised her. She had rarely seen such a flawless composure: the male had maintained his sangfroid throughout the whole conversation. Granted, he had a mask to help with his little act, but his body had remained perfectly immobile. He hadn't even given her the benefit of a emitting a single sound that could betray his sham. Not the slightest flinch or twitch either. Nothing.

Alexey nodded curtly as a reply to his first affirmation. "Yes, a prisoner for a prisoner." she echoed matter-of-factly. Her eyes betrayed her impersonal tone of voice though. Firefly's well-being was unheard of, and the Filix could only hope that they had not harmed her. Or else she would see to it that Gabriel's child suffered the same fate. Unfortunately, this so-called war was far from over. Lexey wasn't naive enough to believe that once the hostage exchange took place, both Haku and Gabriel would find it in their hearts to say: "Hey, this is stupid. Let's kiss and make up." Hah! Not in a million years.

His next question was one she could not answer. She had heard bits and pieces of the story, but not enough to provide the information he was seeking. "Beats me." Openly admitting to not knowing how the war started was definitely not the brightest move. However, it was the truth. The Dahlian probably sounded like a brainless goon right now, but a loyal one at least. "Is there anything else you would like to know, mister..." Lexey paused, waiting for him to fill the blank and provide her with his name.


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