running with scissors
In her eyes, survival wasn't hard when all she had done was drift around. Wander aimlessly in search of answers to the reasons why things went they way that they went, pick up more useless knowledge about a dead world. All of that wandering and all of that time wasted when it seemed like the one thing that she wanted the most was always the one thing just out of her grasp. Happiness was ever the fleeting thing and time had only gone on to show her that it was nearly impossible to grasp and hold on to. For a moment or two, she was oddly silent, only letting a shrug be the acknowledgement to what he had to say. Her mind was busy making decisions. “I thought things would be in a better state when I came back, but they weren't. I'm not so sure that I'm happy to be here, but I haven't been happy any where else.” She restlessly shifted her weight between her feet, this time opting to look around the run down amusement park. “C'est la vie,” she sighed.

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