Breaking and Mending

OOC here!

The wolf he ran across was pale, a faint familiar scent on his pelt. Hadley couldn't place it right away, puzzled as he was by what the wolf was doing with the deer. The response to his words was deeply surprising. Hadley would have taken it as luck and killed the deer for a meal. This wolf had chosen to try and help the deer. He nodded his head, though he had no idea what a splint was or how he could possibly find one.

The scarred male's tail set to wag as the wolf introduced himself. Hadley, from Casa di Cavalieri. Not anyone special. He grinned a little sheepishly, glad that he would be able to help a member of Aniwaya. Hunting along he found a slightly crooked stick. Too long at the moment, but he quickly broke it down to something more sizable. Bringing it to Mihael's side Hadley crouched down, hoping he wouldn't startle the deer. Will this work?

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