Round about way.

WC: 221 OOC: Sorry for short post

Sira Kira

She jumped up onto her feet as she heard the word come out of his mouth and she blinked to see the man, a white male, something so rare... and yet it wasn’t as rare as the colors that splattered the male before her. She could do nothing but stare even after he spoke his name. She closed and opened her mouth stepping back when she felt he got too close.

“Sira... what’s a goose?”

She asked as her eyes roved over to the horse whom he introduced. Perhaps that thing was a goose, but why on earth would he just say it like that though? From that far away and walk up to her. She was confused, dazed, unsure, and intimidated. Fleeing back into the alpha’s chambers was a pretty good idea to her right now, but she kept her eyes on the strange beast the man kept company with, not sure how to take it or the colorful man that was quite close to her, though he did not take him as seriously as she took X’ies, who had deftly warned her that if she weren’t going to be a part of the pack he would pretty much skin her, and so far that was the worst encounter she had since joining this pack.

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