Making up
Word Count :: 230 OOC: OMGBLAH!!!!

Yes he was very excited to show his mate the present he knew she really wanted. He was young too and quite trainable. She could easily just sit with the bird and get to know him before any training progressed. He could see it in his minds eye as he walked her to the bird. And her shock and happiness was what really mattered, that she loved it.

“He’s all yours to name! Though … I don’t really know what gender it is, may have to find out from my father or someone who can tell.”

Jiva admitted but she had turned around and was giving him a big tight hug and he automatically went to kiss her, hold her. He missed her so much and just to have her touch again, was overpowering him. It was as if it was the first day and she was in heat again, but he didn’t want to stop as he let his arms wrap around the woman’s smaller frame. Just everything about her was special to him and whatever happened from here on out would effect the both of them.

“I love you so much Palaydrian. I want you to know that. You will be the only woman I will ever love.”

He said loosening his grip but not wanting to let go

Photo courtesy of Genista

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