(M) Reminds me of the second time ...

WC:: 465 - We can finish this soon if ya want sweety, I can't see it going much further Smile

Grace's explanation of why she was donating her books didn't affect Niernans view of her at all, even if she wasn't giving her books away for charity. In his eyes being practical was a good thing, he knew that many saw him and his brother as the practical jokers, which seemed appropriate as they were supposed to be directly descended from the Trickster himself, but Niernan still had a good sense of practicality, refusing to be completely ridiculous. He shot a smile over his shoulder, "It's still a kind thing to do sweetheart." He insisted, knowing that if he continued to repeat it she would grow frustrated, he didn't know why but he found her undeniably attractive when she was annoyed. He supposed he would find her even more attractive if she wasn't frustrated with him... He thought he'd have to try that theory out sometime.

All thoughts and theories left him then, her hand-paw on his shoulder successfully removing all intelligent thought. The touch was soft and he relished it for as long as it lasted, almost visibly deflating when she removed her pale furred paw. He nodded at her statement, happy for her to sort her books while he worked, knowing that way she would be less of a distraction for him and he would be less likely to break his thumb. He flicked his gaze over his shoulder, watching her leave the room, each sway of her hips followed by his cerulean orbs, he was almost sad that she turned the corner, cutting off his line of sight. He sighed deeply and shook his head, turning back to the skeleton of the bookshelf. He heard her settle herself and the books in the room just outside the 'library' and glanced around again, his eyes falling on her seated form, her hand-paws deftly sorting the books. He nodded and smiled to himself, reaching for his mallet and his nails, he set to work.

Grace's low hum made him smile as he worked, hoping that his hammering wouldn't drown out the growly noise too much. He measured a decent length with his hand and placed the shorter piece of wood against the side, seeing what it would look like, he then placed one finger against where he would have to hammer in a nail, placing the shelf down and picking up a nail. He placed the nail against the wood and hammered it in slightly, doing the same with the second, the shelf was then lined up and the nails hammered in fully. He sat back and looked at the result, pleased that the shelf was straight and would hold he then started on the others, losing himself in the physical labour and the background noise of Grace's content hum as she read her precious books.

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