
Current Objective: interrogation ---
Form: Lupus----
Mood: Curious/Intimidating--


This girl, she amused him. If nothing else she would be good as a jester. Though she had mentioned that she was a hunter, and by his count that particular skill set in the pack was limited; of course they could all hunt just it wasn’t their primary skill. If this was her primary role to play then it would take some of the pressure off the pack after all. ” A hunter?...hmmm…perhaps there will be some use for you after all, we could use a skilled hunter”. X’ies mood on the subject would change, though his tone would remain much the same. Whatever had happened to the Jackal to cause her to be this jittery had left her scarred and as she was, even with the skill set of a hunter, she would be useless till those scars healed. She asked him an odd question, would he make her do anything? Clearly someone had done something to her beforehand, perhaps she was a former slave. Or perhaps she was just a victim of sexual abuse. Both would explain the mental damage inflicted on her.

” I won’t make you do anything…Sira wasn’t it?”

He assumed that was her name by the “ I’m Sira” comment at the start of her display. ” But I will expect things of you if you are to belong….the first of which will be to pull yourself together, if you expect to survive here , then I expect you to be stronger than you are showing me now”. Though the fact she was aiming to be like X’yrin and Jaden was unhealthy. The Jackal looked small, weak…perhaps part of it was the unhealthiness but her size didn’t appear to be that great at the best of times. As a warrior he suspected she would fail horrifically. ” We are family here, and we all protect in our own way. Not all of us are warriors, if you are to be our hunter. Then you shall protect by ensuring our people do not go hungry, you shall chase of the enemy that is starvation…but only if you are to grow stronger yourself”.He stood rather suddenly, stepping closer to her.

” You think you can do that?”



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