and though we have sinned all of our lives

Of course she had a purpose. How could she not? His questions seemed to have a very obvious answer, but as she thought about it for another moment the answers became more blurred, until she really couldn’t see them at all. Her purpose was more then just one thing it was many little things. Just like the things that made life worth living, they were small, almost the size of details.

“Maybe they aren’t looking in the right place.” She lifted an eyebrow at him inquisitively. Eyes went back to watch the moon, thoughts flowing from her head and out her mouth. “My purpose is to be a friend, to support my pack and family. It was to love some in the past, and then to others in the future. It is to be here, talking to you.” She rambled, loosing her breath at the end of it. “You must have one... Well, I know a few already.” Her words came out sort of mater of fact.


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