She Is Mine

WC:896+ - OOC Points - 7

With Malakai's muzzle brushing Axelle's, his head nudging into her, trying to rouse her from her peaceful looking slumber, panic began to seep through him with every passing second that she remained quiet and unresponsive. And so, his nudging became more insistant. His eyes scanned over her, seeing the extent of her injuries, thankful that they were fairly localized and her belly and chest remained relatively unharmed. Stomach and chest wounds were a lot harder to deal with, but he knew she was still weak from bloodloss - the scent of her crimson liquid hung heavily on the air, his senses picking it up even through the stink of the males.

"Come on, Princess, wake up..." His black form lowered to lie with her for a brief moment, more over her than next to her, as if trying to keep her warm, or maybe to let his form soak up some of the blood oozing from her wounds. But when her eyes fluttered and finally she awoke, Kai let out a relieved huff, feeling as if a weight had lifted from his shoulders. He rose from her and nuzzled against her gently, his head dropping to let his tongue lap at the wound he saw at her neck where that... male... had dared to cut into her through her fur.

As she pulled herself up a little, and saw past him to the mess he had made of the attacker, Kai paid the massacre no mind. His attention was fully upon her, upon her wounds, upon how she was feeling. He had done what he had to, what the male had pushed him to do, but Axelle's reaction to it caused Kai to tense up a little, pausing with his affectionate, caring laps at her neck. Glancing over to what was left of the mangled body, Kai snorted a little before looking back to Axelle. "He got nothing short of what he deserved, Axelle. I'd do the same to anyone who dares to hurt you." He pushed his muzzle against hers softly. "You need to get your strength back before we do anything." Reluctantly, he pulled away from her and padded over to the corpse, burying his muzzle within the ripped open chest cavity, digging around in there as if he was looking for something. With a jerk of his head, Kai's jaws ripped the male's heart from it's attachments, before he turned and headed to Axelle.

His head lifted with his offering in his jaws, the bloody, still fairly warm heart of her attacker, and plopped the item in her lap, by her hands. His tongue lapped at his own muzzle, now coated with more fresh blood. "Here. Eat this. I'll shift while you do. You can't walk anywhere but I can always carry you back to Anathema." Usually, Kai would have inserted some joke about managing to carry her weight, or about how much she would owe him once they returned to the pack lands, but he wasn't much in a joking mood right now. He also knew that she wouldn't be keen on eating anything that came from the mangled body but he would wait until she did so - it would give her a little strength if nothing else.

Letting his body shift from his Secui form to Optime, Kai's eyes barely left his mate, taking a good, long look at the wounds on her arms. Her pelt was stained with her blood, and seeing her in such a bad way made his insides hurt in a way he had never felt before. It made him more angry, more infuriated than he had ever felt but at the same time, terrified. Fear was not an emotion he felt very often, but seeing that male over her, seeing him lash out at her, had scared him to his very core. And his extreme reaction that had ended with the pieces of flesh and guts now scattered about the room was a testament to what he felt for her.

Whether she had eaten the heart or not, Kai moved back over to her and in one fluid movement, his arms slid around her, one beneath her legs and one behind her back and lifted her into his embrace. And with her form in his arms, he held her close and just as he was about to turn and head towards the door, Kai's mind returned to a conversation he had shared with another female in Halifax. Rio had mentioned something about medicine and that she was often around the city. Perhaps he could find her, get her to see Axelle, get her to help her. Maybe he should let her rest here while he tried to find Rio. And so he carried her instead into the bedroom of the apartment and very gently, Kai set his female down onto the bed, settling her there. "I know of someone who might be able to help. A female, Anathema-based. She hangs around Halifax. I want you to stay here, okay? I want you just to lie here and rest." Reaching a hand up, he brushed his fingers against her cheek lightly. "I won't be long, I promise." He leaned into her and pressed a kiss to her forehead lovingly before pulling back and turning to head out of the blood-soaked apartment. He just hoped Rio was around someplace...

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