Searching for a friend
The petite female's words surprised him. Why would Adrian be looking for him? They had nothing in common. Nothing holding them together. Except for when he'd first met her and mistook her for Selene. A very embarrassing situation, truly. One he hoped to be able to forget and bury. He waited for the explanation, a mildly puzzled expression resting there. Did she need help with something? Her words did clear things up a little. Of course. He could ride Blessing. What they could talk about was a mystery.

Hadley stepped outside, closing the door gently behind him. He followed her to the stables, a curious expression on his face. He stepped into the stall with Blessing, petting the large mare. He wasn't a very good rider, but the mare was patient with him. Even if she wasn't as good at being ridden as another horse might be. He rode her bareback, not really sure how to use a saddle. The best he could Hadley clambered onto Blessing's back, the horse snorting and stamping a little as he did so. Carefully he walked her out, glad she had such a calm temperament. Or maybe it was just she was too big to really want to rear up.

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