No promises to keep
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The things he had said had the desired effect. Strel could almost taste the guilt in the air as the youth appeared shocked at his words. He watched the thin boy wrap his arms around himself, clearly in denial. Whatever was going on here was doing him no good, with the lack of meat on his bones. Ahiga was no small bean pole, either, and to see him dropping weight in the time since he had seen the youth, well, it was a shock. Strelein was worried for his health, especially since it was clear he wasn't feeding himself well. Was he too stubborn to let anyone else help him out? Was he too petty to let members of this pack provide for him, be his family? Strelein pursed his lips at the thought, wishing he could help the youth.

Ahiga looked down at the floor, and the redheaded Dauphin knew that he was the winner in this battle. "Eat any less and you will have nothing left to your chest and arms, boy," he said roughly, huffing in the youth's direction. He didn't see why the boy was so stubborn, but Strel figured it was one of those things he had inherited from his equally stubborn mother. From what he understood, Ralla had a flair for dramatics and mulish behavior. It seemed like there was more Ralla in Ahiga than the youth wanted to admit, or even realized. Strel waved his hand at the boy, fumbling for his words, "You don't seem to be taking care of yourself at all, Ahiga." He knew that the Nishant didn't see the motion, but it was pointless.

Frustrated with the situation, Strelein strode forward without pause and gripped the youth's chin roughly in hand. He lifted him up, forcing Ahiga to meet his elder in the eyes. "You seem so certain, now why don't you meet my eyes?" he asked without pause, eyes blazing in annoyance and his lips firm as he kept a good grip on the other male's chin. He would not be letting go, for certain. "You're right, I don't know Sebastian like you probably know. But lord knows Sebastian tried to know more about me than I wanted to know about him. I've seen his paintings, and I know who they are. Whatever he is, he isn't what you need." He suddenly dropped his nephews chin and rested it on his shoulder. "You can't be happy with him if you're not eating."

Photo taken by Fergal of Claddagh. Table style inspired by Kitty.

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