Fix It, Fix You


PGP+3 Words - 300

He approached the conversing pair to a point where he was still a respectful distance from them. If they were not to be disturbed, he would wait patiently for his opportunity. What his Issor desired from him would be evident by her look. What she gave in greeting was more than enough to reassure him. He loved her smile and even now took pleaser that she chose to endow him with its grace.

X’yrin’s invitation still hung fresh in the air when X’ies began to shift. The movement was unexpected enough that it rendered Jaden silent. He would have turned down her offer to train and asked her to speak with him privately had he been given the chance. Jaden watched the wolf with an expression still void of the distaste that he usually wore for the other but that didn’t last long. The words he spoke belittled Jaden’s purpose. Blue eyes narrowed slightly and his muzzle fell closed at the mention of Amy, no doubt who X’ies supposedly smelled on him. He had seen her on the boarder but they hadn’t truly gotten close enough that the scent should still linger. And their previous meeting had been more than two weeks prior, easily enough time for her smell to fade considerably. And while Jaden did need a bath he hadn’t fallen into quite the deplorable state he had seen X’ies in last. Thank you for reminding me, his voice lacked all sincerity, and might I say, it’s nice to finally see you in a presentable state. The annoyance in his features was back full force now. What was the other male getting at in mentioning Amy anyway? X’ies knew just as well he did of X’yrin’s distaste for dogs. His look explained as much. Was he truly trying to drive it between them? Jaden had to dismiss the thought before it angered him further.

I would speak with you, Issum, he turned his attention onto the golden woman with intention to ignore any further aggravating comments by X’ies, we have things to discuss. Sharing the sensitive feelings he hoped they would was certainly not something he wanted X’ies around for. His tone displayed this desire clearly.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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