looks like morning in your eyes
I *loved* Zynex! Good to be back rping with you too!

Tyler felt at ease as the wind whispered, and although youthful, she felt a deep well of calm and patience. The wolf sometimes had to fight the pull of impatience, goaded by her youth. However, there was something peaceful here. She did not have to wait long as she let the warmth of the midmorning sun sink into her skin, as a cry rang out purposeful and clear. Although Tyler had rarely met other wolves outside of her own blood family, the white wolf understood the meaning of the call. Dark eyes stared out intently, and soon a wolf in autumn shades filled her vision.

The white wolf was momentarily dazzled by the impressive length of the other female’s mane. It was a wild red thing, twisting like a tongue of flame. She had never seen another with a mane so long and in such a color. She cleared her mind of this distraction as the delicate voice of the female caught up to her thoughts. The softness of her words seemed to bely her bold appearance.

Tyler dipped her head and tail, assuming a respectful posture as X’yrin explained her claim upon these lands. ”I am Tyler Ennis…erm, erstwhile wanderer, originally from south of here,” she said, by way of trying to explain her origins and modeling her speech after X’yrin’s a bit. She was unlearned in the cultures of other, having felt that she had never had a culture of her own. As a child, she had lived in her own world, comprised of her siblings and mother and occasionally dotted with the appearance of her wandering father. ”Papa is a ramblin’ man ,” the young white wolf continued, a smile curving her mouth as she spoke of him, using the term her mother used to describe the wanderer. ”I followed him and my brother around for a while, and decided to go out on my own. They wanted to go back south; I wanted to see the north.” Strange to think that that simple could encompass the last few weeks of her young life. Tyler stared intently at the ground, waiting for X'yrin's evaluation of her explanation.

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