[M] a heart divided

She was vaguely aware of Jazper's loose reputation with various women - and men, too, it seemed, her mind drifting back to Sebastian's lewd portrait of the male leader in a provocative pose, causing her to smirk slightly despite herself. At that moment, she felt Jazper's large, muscled arms wrap easily around her slim frame, almost crushing her against his body. He continued about how females loved to speak about their feelings, and how it wasn't good to keep things bottled up. She flattened her ears against her skull, not amused.

"A leader has to have poise - should be a strong example to her pack," she said dryly, pointedly rebutting his point about females chattering on and on. It was true, in some cases; some females really did seem to never stop talking. Skye, however, did not think this way - sadness, depression, loneliness in an authority figure was not bottling things up. It was a weakness. Being weak in front of her pack - if she couldn't be the strong one, then who could? She was a leader, not a self-pitying fool. She had to be strong.

But then again - there was no one under the stars that night, no one but her and Jazper. Jazper was not in her pack, was not someone who needed guidance from her. He guided his own pack, set his own example and picture for them; he was his own leader. Had he not been her sworn ally, she would have continued her facade; but although she did not fully trust the man - she fully trusted very few - what harm could it do, to tell him a little, if only to stop him from squeezing her so that she couldn't breathe?

"Lonely," she almost choked out, not accustomed to truly speaking her thoughts. "I am lonely." She did not meet the other leader's eyes, instead staring out at the dark forest. It seemed silly, ridiculous, that she would be lonely when she was surrounded by her entire pack all the time - but so many had left the pack, had left her. Shawchert. Orin. Bangle, her own mate, leaving without a single word - one day there, the next day gone. She, her pack, had been betrayed, wronged - Liam. Sky. Argul. Who could she truly trust?

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