woke up to a brand new skyline
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

How long had it been since he had someone to fill the niche of being curled up beside him? Or really, how long it had been since he had bothered to fill that niche for someone else? The details of the evening before weren't necessarily lost on him, but it had vividly entertained him through one dream to another. Sometimes the dreams were that of memories, other times they made absolutely no sense at all. Actually, most of the time they didn't make any sense at all, and that was the point in which he generally woke up. But when he started to stir, comfortable with where he was, he noticed that the body that had been lying beside him hours before was missing. But the mess of bedding where she had been was still warm.

So once he had composed himself enough not to have a bleary-eyed vision, he sat up with a wince and drew a hand to his head. Ah, yes, that little tidbit. His ears pulsed at the beat of his heart with fell in tune with the throbbing in the forefront of his skull, no doubt just a couple of signs of just how hungover (or lack thereof) he was. But it wasn't as bas as he thought for now, and the first thing that came to his mind was getting food in his stomach; but only after he found Nikita. So he headed out of the tent, not bothering to dress for the time being and stumbled off through the forest.

It was early enough in the morning that from the sights and smells of everything, no one else had really woke up yet. The fire hadn't been stoked since he had started it yesterday afternoon, and was completely out by then. As he rounded the path through the forest towards the lake, the sound of coughing gradually made its way to his ears and he honed on it as best as he could—was that the same cough Nikita had last night? The details had gone about as fuzzy as his brain had been mush. Yet as he came over the slope before it slid down to meet the lake, it was indeed who he was looking. This time around, concern etched its way onto his face before any others.

“You okay? That's cough is getting rough.”


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