Round about way.

WC: 244 OOC: sorry this took so long >.<

Sira Kira

“I said duck?”

She looked at the man as though he was crazy, for surely he was. She did not let herself relax even his cool nature did not decieve the woman, though she was not as uptight as she was wtih Jaden or X’ies, they were both pretty natural, this one... well he was just COLORFUL. It threw her off, but she did not see him as threatening as the other two males she met.

“I met them. X’yrin, she helps me. what’s a pantie?”

She asked wondering what would be a bunch. Then she saw the horse come up and Sira started to move back though the horse was far larger, and far more intimidating so her best bet was to stay still. She shivered with fear but the horse didn’t decide she was food and didn’t eat her. Eclipse had no experience with horses what so ever and she was almost audibly scared. When the horse sniffed her and turned around and walked away she felt her knees grow weak and she let herself fall, feeling faint. She was still recovering from the lack of food for many months and she was still weak, though not as weak as she was when she first came here.

“Wh- what is she?”

She asked curious and scared at the same time, not able to take her eyes off the hooved animal.

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