is it bright where you are?

Food never failed to bring her out of hiding. Especially not fresh, roasting meat. Mmm. She could almost taste it. Within seconds, Alexey had gone from being a lazy bum to a soldier on a mission. Yes, her new assignment was called the "mooch food off whoever is having a barbecue" operation. Not like anyone would have the guts to say no to her anyway, at least she hoped not. Well, maybe Haku would. But she knew that with the right amount of nagging, she'd manage to get some even from the Lilium.

Oddly enough, Alexey hadn't seen any of her pack mates in almost a week, despite the fact that she hadn't really left the lands during that time. Well, she had left once to be precise, only to get scooped up and carried back home by a male named Vedr. She hated being this banged up; it was a bloody handicap not to be able to walk properly. Her leg was getting better though, slowly but surely. However, the healing process wasn't fast enough. Far from it.

Lexey made her way a little to the east of where she'd been lazing around, only to find an ashen male just going about his business. She could've left him alone, seeing as she didn't really know him, but that would've counted as renouncing to her current mission. Oh no, she definitely couldn't do that. Her stomach depended on the outcome. Honey-colored eyes examined her target meticulously as she limped over to the fire, seating herself a feet or two away from the newcomer.

"Hi", she stated bluntly. Straightforward greetings were the best. There was no point in asking him if he was new to the pack, since the answer was so blatantly obvious. And she couldn't really come up with anything pertinent to say, so instead of making small-talk, she patiently waited for his reply while keeping an eye on that roasted badger.


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