Talnala is the strongest word I know
Honrin was the last to arrive, he had raced his way all the way from the other side of Cercatori and even passed then out of the pack lands to answer his Mahn's call. Such loyalty the hybrid arctic woman inspired from her children, it was heartening to see and any mother worth her fangs would be jealous of the way Jace's children adored her. Just like his dark sister that had stopped several long moments before him he arrived with a skidded stop and fast pants of his lolling tongue, trying to regain his breath from his dash across Cercatori.

The boy was in optime form and stood taller than everybody gathered there, including their father, who he was half an inch taller than now. He looked down upon his short but ferocious mother and felt the warmth bleeding into his heart, beating around his body. He swelled up proudly at their praise and then his jaw dropped open in shock at her revelation before clicking shut sharply. His tail suddenly had a mind of its own, whipping through the air so fast it was almost a blur. Keldava danced forwards and Panodra squealed, only Dalgina didn't look as happy as the rest of them and he was silently upset for her for a few seconds before a powerful rush of emotions overcame him and most higher thought deserted him.

He jumped forwards too, reaching out his long arms to pull them all inwards, even the secui Keldava and reclusive Temo whilst simultaneously falling to his knees in front of his mother. Even on his knees his head reached her chest as he held them all close in an uncharacteristic show of elation,

"That's amazing!"

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