A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena watched the other being curiously and the questioning of her bear mother made her confused. She stood and sauntered out from between the bear’s paws and looked up at the black and white wolf. She’s my momma ‘cause I ‘dopted her. Athena was only repeating to the being what Nanuak had told her before. She didn’t really know what ‘dopted meant but it sounded good to her. Athena looked back up at the black and white being but it was gone. Just then there was a thud on the beach, her level and the blinked. The creature looked a lot like herself and this made Athena’s ears perk and her tail wag. “Maybe it’s a wolf cub too and maybe that means it likes to play too!”

You ‘ave a pack!? Wow! Dats really cool! The fellow wolf cub’s words excited Athena and suddenly all fear or nervousness was gone. The pup really had no idea what having a pack meant but the adventure and trouble part sounded like a lot of fun so to her. Nanuak behind her chuckled a little bit and spoke up. You have your own pack and a bear friend too, hmm? Athena could tell that her bear mother was curious and this excited her more. With a small bark and a bounce the pup looked at her bear mother and grinned wolfishly. Can we go, Momma?! Can we go?!

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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