The Bees Need A Home, Too

OOC here!

The sight of Temo pouring over some old book was so familiar that Honrin laughed out loud despite his melancholy, his father was so predictable. Show him a good, interesting book and he was gone. Honrin deposited their dinner on the floor next to his bow and arrows. He kept the poisoned knife however. It seemed Temo's intuition had struck true and he had inadvertently found what it was that they were looking for, years worth of knowledge stood before him but he was a slow ready, still learning.

Sighing wearily Honrin sat himself down upon the carpeted ground, glad to be off of his feet. Night was closing in and it was getting dark inside the library and soon it would be too dark to see the words upon the pages so Honrin didn't bother to get up and start reading books, instead he flung away the poisoned knife he had taken and placed his own on the floor next to his bow. The boy then shifted into his secui form, easier for sleeping in since the two males had not brought anything to sleep on. Leaving his father to the books for now Honrin set about devouring two of the rats he had caught leaving the other two for his father.

Honrin Wolfe-Denahlii
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