Put your bags down, you're home.
OOC: Requesting you get titled up now Smile / +300

The joiner seemed to already be popular with his pack members from the looks on their faces. All three were grinning ear to ear with tails wagging. She was clearly a mixed canine but Jazper paid no heed to such things. Casa was home to many different types from coyote to dog mixes to pure dogs. It simply didn’t matter to the Knight the heritage of his warriors but he took great care in assessing their actions, and with this he was hesitant. However his hesitation dissolved as his son spoke up jokingly, spreading a large grin across his face as he stepped forward joining the group in front of him. As soon as Aro spoke up Isa joined in. Clearly Sidra had played her cards well, as he fully trusted his son and Tronco.

His ears flickered as he heard his barn owl Alena land on a nearby branch. She had only been flying for a month now and had readily followed the Knight around ever since.You seem to have won over my members when I wasn’t looking Sidra. He teased lightly but his mind quickly moved over to business his voice remained light and reassuring. Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. He greeted with a small bow of his head, he wasn’t sure if the others had already filled her in but thought it best to introduce himself anyway.

My members are very important to me, I love them all like family and expect them to treat each other as such. We don’t just fight here, though your training is important you’ll need to hunt for your friends and help educate the young as well as take your turn patrolling the boarders. He gave the girl a moment to take in his words. I trust my members with my life and the lives of my family. If you want to live here than you’ll need to be willing to give your life for your friends. Although the topic was serious Jazper’s demeanor was relaxed and his golden eyes soft as he spoke to the young lady.

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  • Check out the Game to see how you can start collecting points for fun prizes!
  • Look at the Map and Territory Descriptions to see the various places your character can explore within the pack.
  • Look over the list of Co-Ranks that are available for you character to pursue once they reach the Famiglia rank.
  • Please read our Policies and IC Laws & Punishments so that you and your character can abide by Casa di Cavalieri's standards.

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