
Apologies for the wait! I went to Paris and forgot put up a notice about it. :c

He knew not the common regulations that existed in normal wolf packs. He knew that both the clan and Salsola were different in structure and behaviour. He was a child of mixed worlds, and it was the one thing he seemed to have in common with the majority of his fellow pack members. Perhaps Salsola was a general representation of a mixed canine group. Or perhaps not. He didn’t know. But Itachi knew what was expected from them, and it seemed that the woman, who in a moment would reveal herself as Amy Sunders, had caught the gist of it. It was indeed important that a canine was not to act above their station.

Sirius was an intriguing character, and commanded his underlings well. Itachi had received fair punishment more than once during his stay in the pack of thorns, but his King had never struck without reason. ”I do not know the differences between Salsola and the other packs,” the man spoke truthfully. Did the Salsolan leaders partly steal away their members’ freedom? His opinion did not match that version. There were many questions in her dialogue. ”but our leaders draw their strength from the pack. We are all family.” Except for the newcomers, the low ranked and the slaves, naturally.

”And we do not communicate with outsiders too openly, I suppose.” Itachi only sporadically socialized with others outside his pack in general, but this was more part of his asocial personality, and had little to do with Salsola’s general attitude towards all that did not belong to the pack. As for the slaves, he cared little for them, and knew next to nothing about what filled up their daily work schedule. It did not seem extreme that they were sent to trade certain items. Then again, it could as easily be lower ranked members. ”If a slave is trusted by its Master, I believe it is possible that you’ve met some of them.” the male answered impassively, not knowing the truth as he would have had to be there himself to recognize the different slaves. ”They can be recognized by their pierced nose.” That should make it possible for her to decide, at least.

Itachi thought he could recognize a hunger in her, as she spoke of Salsola’s punishments as.. tasteful. What a strange way to express interest for methods that most would find horrible. But it was an emotion that he could recognize. Although he was not able to let his occasional desire for blood become visible for others, he knew what he was. Perhaps this Amy Sunders was a monster too.

”Perhaps they are,” he mused, but this was not a subject suitable for spilling details. ”Criminals are punished, and it is ensured that they will not forget the code of conduct a second time.” The slave at the feast had been lucky to keep his life. If disobedience came on display again, Itachi did not think he would keep his life.

The Lykoi found it strange that she thought him interesting, but lies easily slipped past lips that sought to please and woo. Or perhaps she detected his flawed being and found him entertaining. All was possible; he knew not what thoughts went through a stranger’s mind.

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