A Canine Encounter


The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

OOC Text:

Athena bounced off a short distance and turned to bark at Alastar. With a short pause she grinned and looked at her bear mother. Love you, momma! The young pup wriggled happily and bounced on her paws, she was very excited to have a new friend and this wolf was better than a rock or a crab or a seabird because this was an actual wolf like her that liked to play like she did. Her bear mother had told her that there were others like her but Athena always liked to believe that she was the last one. Athena thought it made her feel special, but now she felt even more special because there were two last wolves.

Athena swished her tail happily and barked again at Alastar. You comin’ slowpoke?! With that Athena giggled and darted down the beach, her mouth wide open and she tasted the crisp, salty air. She loved it, she loved running and she love the beach. Suddenly she remembered Alastar hadn’t caught up with her yet and skidded to a halt and spun around, slinging sand everywhere.

Time stands still, beauty and all she is.


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