wicked games

Warm brown ears flickered as the female let her voice sound, one ear to take in her words, the other backwards in slight sign of discomfort. It was a good question, as most of them were when it came from her. It was quite obvious for him though, because he was in the bulls eye of attention already, and needless killings such as this should not be seen. Most of all, he knew that it should not happen, but he had troubles with keeping to insignificant individual’s rules. Yet, he could always try. What was so dangerous about all this was that Firefly did not back away and turn her back at him. The thrill from when she had jumped on the poor bugger still echoed in his body. He had loved it, his warrior woman.

Because only monsters slay innocent creatures. He bared his teeth and snapped out in the air over the dead canine. I did not think you had it in you. It was so true. Haku had always done his dark deeds completely alone, but with company, it could turn out quite nasty if they were at the wrong places at the wrong times. Eyes turned hungrily over to the young girl, with her front bathed in blood. He wanted her. Now as she had revealed one of her more true colors, he was more amazed and taken back than ever.


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